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Pokemon Red Boxed* Pokemon Red Version with Box - Retro Game Boy Game Pokemon Red Version with Box

Pokemon Red Boxed* Pokemon Red Version with Box - Retro Game Boy Game Pokemon Red Version with Box

  • $49.90

Product available in stock : 11
Product Code: RED-VERSION-B

Similar Searched Items: gameboy pokemon games, pokemon game, pokemon games, pokemon gen 1 games, pokemon generation 1 games, rare pokemon games, original gameboy pokemon games

All of us know that the Generation 1 Pokemon original games are some the best Pokemon. This is an original Pokemon Red Version for the Original Gameboy. It's not enough that this Pokemon Red Version works on the DMG Gameboy. You can also play it in the Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color as well Gameboy Advanceand Gameboy AdvanceSP.

Play all the classic Pokemon games you love.

*Pokemon Red Version is being re-released. Pokemon Red Versiok box has also been reissued, and includes a protective sleeve.

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